
Don’t Sleep on iPhone 15’s Low Light

With Halloween just around the corner, it’s only fitting for spooky vibes and flex on the latest iPhone’s low light and night mode capabilities. We’re sharing fellow iPhone photographers works and some tips of our own to make sure you’re all ready for the spookiest season of the year!

Handheld Light Trails

One of things I find myself always doing before shooting is bringing down the exposure a tad bit. This is to ensure that your shadows stay dark and the light sources don’t get overexposed. All while details stay crisp and contrasts between light and dark areas are maintained. The iPhone’s super capable stabilisation allows you to shoot light trails without the need of a tripod. You read that right – handheld light trails are actually possible!

More Light More Fun

You’ll want to bring down the default setting that’s in Auto and move it to Max. This allows more light to enter the camera, and the best part? It can all be done on the native camera app, without any need down download any additional third party application from the App Store. Once that’s locked in, frame up your shot and let the iPhone do the rest!

Local Photographers

Here’s some of our fellow local Singapore photographers who have captured stunning night shots all around the island with their trusty iPhones. 

Aik Beng Chia

Night mode on iPhone 15 Pro Max is so much better now, and you can see how the camera was able to capture the sparks from the firecrackers as they explode amidst all the darkness. Details in these pictures are also very well preserved: dark and light are kept distinct and do not bleed into each other. 

Admittedly, to capture these shots require a bit of luck and a lot of patience. Firecrackers go off very quickly so you have to be quick on the trigger. This is compounded by the constant movement of people in the procession.

Aside from that, I just let my iPhone do its work – and it’s done this very well. All I did was bring the exposure down and lock focus to my intended subject, then point and shoot. iPhone does the rest! 

Photo by Aik Beng Chia

Yafiq Yusman

I had a workation at Park Royal Collection Marina Bay and got a rather boring view. However, at one corner, I spotted this angle with the Ritz Carlton and the Singapore Flyer in the background. It caught my eye. It’s as though the Flyer is trying to hide behind the building, but it’s too big. I have a few variations of this shot, but I’m sticking to this one because it’s an oddly compelling composition.

This image was captured using Night mode with the assistance of a 5x zoom lens. The details are mind blowing, especially since I used Night mode in combination with ProRaw. It provides me with a lot of opportunities to enhance the photo.

Photo by Yafiq Yusman

Rasuna Azrayl

Ras enjoys collecting and building custom mechanical keyboards and sometimes dabbles in portable audiophile setups. He also indulges in casual gaming and prefers Command over Control.

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