
Who Might Replace Elon Musk as Twitter CEO?

It is uncertain who would be the next CEO of Twitter, if Elon Musk were to follow through on his statement that he will find a replacement for himself. He has not announced any formal search for a new CEO yet, and given his history of changing his mind and making statements that are not always true, it is possible that he may not follow through with finding a new CEO.

Additionally, he has stated that even after finding a CEO, he will still run the “software & servers teams”, which encompasses the majority of the company. It’s also worth noting that there are no official names that have been put forward as potential candidates for the role, though some people have been speculated as possible contenders, such as members of Musk’s transition team, like David Sacks, Jason Calacanis, and Sriram Krishnan, but they may not be in a position to take the job if offered.

Sheryl Sandberg, the former COO of Facebook, has been mentioned as a potential candidate for the role of CEO of Twitter, if Elon Musk were to follow through on his statement that he will find a replacement for himself. Sandberg has the reputation with advertisers and connections that Musk needs to begin repairing Twitter’s business, which has been struggling in recent years. Additionally, Sandberg is currently not affiliated with any company as she left Meta last year, which makes her a free agent. Her experience in leading a large social media platform could be valuable to Twitter as well.

Sheryl Sandberg
Image from Wikipedia

Vanessa Pappas, the COO of TikTok, has also been suggested as a potential candidate for the role of CEO of Twitter, if Elon Musk were to follow through on his statement that he will find a replacement for himself. Pappas has the experience that Musk needs, as she has helped establish YouTube’s early creator program and more recently has been the COO of TikTok. Additionally, some reports suggest that Pappas may be planning an exit from TikTok/ByteDance sometime this year, which would make her available for the role. Her experience in leading a large social media platform and working with creators, could be valuable to Twitter.

Whoever it will be, they can definitely learn a few things from Elon’s less-than-desirable outcomes with the company – oops!


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