This is a week for Singaporean gamers to rejoice and celebrate. Gamescom Asia, which was supposed to start last year but delayed due to the Covid-19 pandemic, will begin tomorrow (Oct 14) and ends on Oct 17.
It will be the first Asian satellite event of the world’s largest computer and video games festival, Gamescom, that takes place in Cologne, Germany, annually.
Due to Covid-19 restrictions, the inaugural Gamescom Asia will be a hybrid event. Set to be held digitally and physically at Singapore’s Suntec Convention Centre, participants from the Southeast Asian gaming industry will be able to meet and network.

Prominent industry players such as AMD, Ubisoft Singapore, Niko Partners, Singapore Games Association (SGGA), and Epik will be taking part in the convention through a variety of programs, events and booths.
But Gamescom Asia is not just a trade fair. Gamers can look forward to new game premiers and trailers from the publishers in the region during Gamescom Asia PrimeTime, on Friday (Oct 15), 8pm at gamescomasia.live.
Not to mention, there are two full days of events over the weekend that will be live streamed from Gamescom Asia Studio. You can look at the schedule below to decide which is best for you.

In addition, this week is Singapore Games Week (SGW) 2021 as well. Organised by SGGA, the SGW 2021 is a showcase and celebration of Singapore’s games industry and its communities.

The main exhibition platform of SGW 2021 is the SGW virtual village where visitors can start by customising their own avatars and travel through the various zones.
You can meet and chat with Singapore-based gaming companies including gaming developers and publishers as well as games-related design and marketing entities. A Screening Zone lets you watch live-streamed sessions direct from Gamescom Asia.

The SGW Virtual Village is free to explore at www.sgga.org.sg till October 31, while other activities will run till Oct 17.
On Oct 17, Asia’s best gaming companies will be recognised for their achievements at the inaugural Asia Games Award. This will take place at 4pm on gamescomasia.live. Remember to tune in!