
CES 2023: Sony Honda Mobility announces the Afeela EV concept and it looks like the future

Sony Honda Mobility (SHM) has revealed its electric car brand, AFEELA, and a prototype at CES 2023. The car is equipped with 45 cameras and sensors, as well as 800 TOPS of computing power for the ECU.

Sony Honda Mobility Afeela EV concept interior
Image by SHM

It is planned to include Level 3 automated driving under limited conditions, Level 2+ driver assistance in certain conditions. SHM is collaborating with Qualcomm on chips and with Epic Games on mobility services and entertainment.

Sony Honda Mobility Afeela EV concept
Image by SHM

A production model will be based on the prototype, with pre-orders set to start in H1 2025, sales by the end of 2025, and delivery from spring 2026 in North America. We’re patiently saving up and waiting for a Singapore release date! *fingers crossed*


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