
Scammers Using ChatGPT to Spread Malware

In a matter of months, ChatGPT has experienced explosive growth, making it the fastest-growing app ever. As expected, scammers have taken advantage of its popularity and are using it to deceive unsuspecting internet users.

Experts in cybersecurity have already discovered numerous domains that have been recently registered and include the term “ChatGPT.” While not all of these domains are being used for malicious purposes, many of them are already being exploited by scammers.

Dominic Alvieri, a cybersecurity researcher, shared his social media post highlighting the fraudulent ChatGPT websites he has discovered. A website called “” that attempted to persuade visitors that ChatGPT could be downloaded as a local application for Windows. However, this download installed the RedLine malware, capable of extracting data such as passwords and credit card information to forward them to the hackers.

Alvieri also found fake ChatGPT apps in the Google Play Store. Upon download, these apps would deploy similar phishing campaigns to steal users’ information.

Those looking to actually use ChatGPT without getting scammed should go directly to the OpenAI website at the url, or its recently acquired domain,


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