
CES 2022: Nvidia announces new flagship graphics card GeForce RTX 3090 Ti

As the worldwide graphics card shortage continues, graphics card maker Nvidia has added a flagship model into its arsenal with the newly-announced GeForce RTX 3090 Ti during CES 2022.

The Nvidia GeForce RTX 3090 Ti is being announced. (Photo: Nvidia)

The RTX 3090 Ti will pack 24GB of GDDR6X memory running at 21 Gigabits per second. This graphics card will crank out 40 teraflops for graphics processing performance (compared to 36 teraflops of RTX 3090) with 78 teraflops for ray tracing and a whopping 320 teraflops for artificial intelligence (AI) tasks. More details of RTX 3090 Ti will be coming later this month.

At the same time, Nvidia also announced GeForce RTX 3050, a graphics card is said to bring ray tracing and accelerated AI to mainstream desktops. It features 8GB of GDDR6 memory and will be available worldwide on Jan 27 with a modest starting price of US$249.

Jeff Fisher, senior vice president of Nvidia’s GeForce business, said: “RTX is the new standard, and the GeForce RTX 3050 makes it more accessible than ever.”

Trevor Tan

Started out with dreams to become a street photographer, Trevor Tan somehow became a tech journalist with over 16 years of consumer tech experience. Maybe he plays too much video games and buys too many new gadgets.
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